Book List

If you want to find out about some of the MG/YA novels featuring disabled characters that are out there, we offer several ways to do so.

  • Looking for our thoughts on the portrayal of specific disabled characters? Take a look at our reviews. Our positively reviewed books are the only ones we can formally recommend.
  • Looking for an up-to-date, quantitative-not-qualitative list of MG/YA featuring major characters with disabilities? You’ll want our Goodreads account.

Use the shelves on the left-hand side if you’re looking for a book portraying a specific disability. You may also find further information in the individual books’ review sections.

If a book is on our “wishlist shelf,” it means we’d love to receive a review for it! See our review policy.

We welcome corrections, additional information, and book suggestions from anyone. Please note that we only include books with disabled main characters or prominent secondary characters.

When you suggest a book, we’d appreciate it if you could include a Goodreads link (or use the Goodreads recommendation feature) and as much info as possible: is the disabled character the main character, or a secondary character? What kind of disability/ies are featured? If you’d like to provide additional information, such as age category, genre, and whether the character is also a person of color or queer character, that would be marvelous.

Please send your suggestions to or via Goodreads itself.

Inclusion in our Tumblr and Goodreads lists does not equal a recommendation. We haven’t read the vast majority of the books. We encourage people to comment on listed books with their thoughts on the portrayal, or share a link to those thoughts if they’ve previously discussed the book elsewhere. The more discussion, the more information people have in deciding whether to pick up the book.